Saturday, February 26, 2011


okay, again with the missing the one week mark, but this time I actually remember what  has happened the past two weeks.
Actually if anyone actually keeps up with this and actually reads the things I write. I applaud you.
Waaayyyyyy back to the 15th of February. That was Valentines Day celebrations at school. I got to spend my entire morning making crown for Mr and Ms. Valentine (cheezy much?) It got me doing stuff and I got to watch new kids applying to Sriracha school as they came through filling out forms.
Last period before lunch the heavens opened up and just poured down and I got to go out and play. It was wonderful. I got yelled at no less then 5 times but it was so completely worth it. After lunch all the kids with english class in the block made their way to the space above the cafeteria, I hadn’t been up there since english camp so it was interesting to be up there again. 
As people were setting up, over came Matt dressed up like Cupid. He makes one hell of an ugly girl but the over all look was really something and the kids went nuts for it.
Dino started it off and right away Steve and I started counting which Dino said more. It was a tie between “Happy Valentines Day” or “clap your hands”, I wont lie, it was a little nauseating. It was just a little too much for me..or Steve. I was just kinda blah so I didn’t enjoy it that much, but what ever. 
Wednesday was a nothing day. i literally sat around all day and finished 187 pages of I then started on a new website, waiter rant. It’s an amazing blog about a waiter in new york. He’s a jerk and yet humble, I highly recommend it to anyone. I also found out Howards baby was born on Tuesday, same day as Alayna’s birthday. Though the one enjoyable part was it being the M6’s last day of school. It made me kind of sad of most of my friends are in M6 and I wont get to see them again. They went around signing each others shirts and I even signed a few, including my wonderful bow-tie guy, glasses guy, dumb guy. I’m gong to miss them. Other then that Thursday was slow to say the least
Thursday. FINALLY!! I got a text from Alayna saying she was bringing her parents that day during lunch time. At lunch I waited outside until I saw them. It had been over a week since seeing Alayna so it was awesome seeing her again. Her parents are also incredibly nice. We then all headed to the teachers room. Saw Steve and said hello but never got to say goodbye which was sad because it was our last time seeing him. Saw Matt and got to say both hello and goodbye. Howard of course was there and Alayna handed him twinkies. Saying goodbye to him was much easier as we’ll be seeing him again in May.
I was invited to go eat lunch with Alayna and her parents so we hit up MKs. We had a wonderful lunch then went back to Alayna’s house and while her dad took a nap Alayna, Her Mom, and I tried to book them a hotel for 1 night in Bangkok. It was a difficult experience since Alayna couldn’t help but say every time “there’s no free breakfast”. I was also invited to their Rotary meeting. We got there and it was a slow meeting and her club is much smaller then mine. There was a boy there who went on the exchange last year to Wisconsin. He was really funny and we had a few laughs before I had to leave.
Saturday was major clean up day and laundry day as Jessica was coming to see me the next day. So lots of cleaning and so forth.
Sunday. Well got a text from Jess around noon saying she was in Chonburi and would be at the mall in Sriracha in half an hour. I also got a text from Mint saying he would meet me there. Anyways I made my way there and met up with Mint, it was nice though nothing went down due to Thai culture.. dang that culture. Then Jess called me and I told her to meet me at the KFC on the first floor, little to my knowledge, we have two KFC on the first floor, after a few minutes of figuring shit out we ran into each others arms with laughing and such.
We then said goodbye to Mint and headed home. We also hit up 711 and got some snackums. We then stayed up late watching movies.
Sunday was shopping day. We spent the better part of the day at Robinsons. Watched ‘I am Number 4’ which is a super good movie. We also bought some stuff, though I only picked up some movies. We went out to dinner with my family to Yayois and Jess bonded with my family major time. It was one of those times where I really really hate the fact that I cannot speak thai. I also found out my host family thinks I don’t like being with them as a a family but I really suck at expressing it. I can’t real speak it and so when we do things like the dinner  usually sit and just observe. Bt I still really love my current host family. Maybe I’ll try talking to them about it.
Monday was photoshoot day. We got Jess all dressed up and headed over to the school when it started to rain...light bulb... We then headed out into the streets as it came down and got some amazing shots. they should be up on facebook within the next few days I promise. 
Tuesday was another mall day and we were going to see another movie but we didn’t make it so we headed back home early and went to the rotary meeting. The club fell in love with her and most likely wish they had her instead of me.
Wednesday was another day of mall and movie. We saw a group of white guys who looked our age and Jess being oh so awesome walked up and said hello. turns out they are a touring band from Edmonton. They all seemed really cool and really good looking. I completely froze p and I’m extremely out of tune when it comes to flirting with white guys... After we stalked them for a little then headed to the movie ‘Green Hornet’.. it was pretty cute with nice lines. I really like Number 4 better but Jess enjoyed Green hornet better, just shows really our different styles. That night we watched Step Up 2 and it made me really want to dance again. I also dressed so street style the next day, I really love that style.. if only I was thin.
Thursday was a super super lazy day. We woke up pretty late and then went out for a photoshoot around the pool. We ended up hitting the mall AGAIN h god, the most I’ve been in that mall in a week since I got here. Jess bought some awesome pumps and I bought to no surprise, another movie. That night we stayed up watching criminal minds which scared Jess silly. I also found my left ear to have a riproaring infection, after alomst a month my ear finally gets a real infection forcing me to take out my earring and the hole is already closed up (@%!%&*$), it’s better now that the hole is closed and it’s healed I just wish i didn’t have to wait for it to fully heal before I go and get in repierced
Friday... Last day..we woke up and just bummed around until Jess left with P’Boat for the bus station. It made me super sad to see her go, and I was pretty damn bored for the rest of the day.
Saturday was well a boring day. I wasn’t even in the mood for star wars which came as a surprise. I watched them anyways and can I just say. WHAT THE HELL?! George has gone back in the originals and added scenes that were not there before, adding in random CGI effects and it really made me angry. The absolute worst part was on episode 6. They literally changed the entire last song. I almost cried as thats one of my favourite scenes.
We went out to dinner as P’Goy’s parents and sister were visiting. We went to MKs and had a great meal. I really love this host family for treating me, well, like family.
Anyways we end up here at Sunday of present day
so I guess see ya next week.

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